
Find the Perfect Dog Food

Tailored nutrition for your dog's breed

Recommendations based on age and activity level

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Optimize your dog's diet for better health

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Pawsonalized Recommendation

Unbiased recommendation backed by data from over 20 brands, 1,000 dog food options, tailored for you dog's specific need. Low-fat? single protein? You got it.

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Diet Diversity

Dogs can benefit significantly from a diverse diet Check out this blog.

Latest from Our Blog

No More Auto-shipping the same kind of dog food. Diversity is the key.

No More Auto-shipping the same kind of dog food. Diversity is the key.

Why you should mix and match different kinds of dog food, types, brands, proteins.

May 15, 20235 min read
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Nurturing Your Faithful Companion: Caring for Your Senior Dog

Nurturing Your Faithful Companion: Caring for Your Senior Dog

As dogs age, their nutritional needs change. Find out how to adapt their diet.

May 22, 20237 min read
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Grain-free? Is legume bad for your dogs?

Grain-free? Is legume bad for your dogs?

Should you choose grain-free dog food?

May 29, 20236 min read
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